Free From School!… At Least Until December

So it finally happened. While planning a rather large wedding, working out constantly, and working… well constantly… I have decided that I needed a break from school. This isn’t permanent (at least I hope not) but it’s definitely necessary for not only myself (Daniel is excited about the break as well).

Really I’m just ready to getting back to blogging :). Let freedom ring!

Why I As A Catholic Woman Support Gay Marriage (Or As I Like to Call it “Marriage”)

For those who are not continuously in the dark (or still in denial): The Gays Can Now Marry! YAY! 

urlI am an active Catholic woman (see title). Over the past few years, I have become highly involved with the Church. I attend Mass, I pray , I’m getting married in my childhood Church in October, and I seek guidance through the Lord. With that said,  I can personally say that I am all for gays having the right of marriage (and divorce). Despite what a couple bible scriptures say.

Often times when I say I’m Catholic, I am met with these funny looks and sometimes these responses:”If you’re Catholic then you are totally against gay marriage?” “So you don’t support the rights of others because you’re Catholic?” (BTW apparently my religion totally makes me think one way – how did I miss this?!)

Although I am Catholic (God hep me) I will say this: Never have I been against anyone marrying the loves of their lives. The Church never taught me to cast judgement to others (despite what some crazies think), it taught me to respect God’s teachings  (“So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.” – John 13:34)

9-empowering-quotes-on-the-same-sex-marriage-ruling-that-prove-lovewins-same-sex-marriageWhile I’m not gay, I have an understanding of the lifestyle that my gay friends have. We have discussed safety, relationships and of course marriage.  I have asked some priests for their opinions about same-sex marriages (never have I been met with negative responses about it from them). So I get a balance of both worlds.

I don’t pray for gays because of their “sin,” I pray that they find love and safety in their lives (just like heterosexuals). To have a wonderful life with their love one, embrace themselves (own up to their sexual preference and not hide it because of what society may think), remain loyal and trustworthy. I refuse to use my prayer as a way to damn someone.

While it’s been discussed as a religious debate, I often wonder what was the reasoning for being against it in a sense of politics? Why shouldn’t gays have the right to marriage? What’s so WRONG with gays being able to marry? The constitution happily proclaims that everyone has freedom of religion, so why did it take so long to make same-sex marriages legal?

love-wins-marriage-equality-support_3Fun fact: For those who are planning to preach about the Bible proclaiming homosexual relationships to be sinful and “the end of days,” think about this: You basically commit about 90 sins per day by living your life. Hard to believe? Think about it. Some examples (not all mind you) are the following:

  • You shave (in the Bible you’re not supposed to trim your beard).
  • You eat different types of seafood (put the crab legs… down).
  • You have sex before marriage (… Need I say more?)
  • You masterbate (ladies and gents it happens).
  • You have children out of wedlock (….)
  • You wear polyester or some sort of fabric blend; and you wear teared up jeans (even fashion is causing you to sin).

Obama White HouseIf you don’t want a gay marriage, then why care if someone else wants it? If you are worried about the sinful world we live in, why not learn to accept it, pray for those who are sinning and focus on your own religious lifestyle? If there comes a time where God decides to punish the world for their sins, would you rather face him as being someone who prayed for happiness rather than misery?

Bye Felicia: Cheaters Do Not Stand a Chance at Playing Their Games Thanks to Social Media

So long cheating douchebags (and hoebags)! The lying, the cheating, the backstabbing…  Wait, you on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, or Twitter? Yeah, you’re f*cked.

3v7a2yFor the past few years, I have become a social media guru. What is that you ask? Basically, I know anything and everything about Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+… the list goes on.

With that said, I have discovered that people really show their true colors when they decide to expose themselves on the social media platforms… By exposing themselves, I mean really proving that they are lying.

For example: A gal pal of mine, let’s just call her Alice, told me about this guy she had met at a bar in downtown Cleveland. She believed that her new man named “Mike” was definitely the one… They were texting each other, loving on each other, talking about the future, and of course having sexual encounters.

urlBut after awhile, things became weird. He began to text her less and less, accused her of cheating (without proof) and would disappear every so often, only to reappear when he needed to something from her (i.e. sex).

Being who I am (loyal, understanding) and have had that kind of experience, I immediately stalked his Facebook page. My suspensions about him were, in fact, accurate. He had a relationship with another woman… a 20-year-old trailer trash woman to be exact. Due to my friend being totally “in love” with this guy, she was unable to see what a lying pr*ck he truly was (we’ve all had those drunk love goggles on and have dated people you have to sit back and think “WTF was I thinking). Upon figuring this out fairly quickly (literally on his Timeline), I told her about it. The reason she didn’t know about his relationship, they were not Facebook friends.

While some remain pretty “privacy smart” when it comes to some platforms, not all are able to hide the truth from the world. Here are ways to figure that “perfect” lady/gent is actually a scumbag:

  • cheatingURL: Try avoiding your initials together. It’s not OCD, it’s simply you being a lying cheater who apparently likes to display the relationship to those you are cheating with (smart…).
  • Pictures: Want to hide your relationship? Better avoid all cameras. While your Facebook is “picture protected” your friends and family might not have the same security and yes… you will get caught with “hand holding” or standing too close to your “ex” just a few hours after hanging out with another person.
  • Pins, Pins, Pins: No matter what you say, adding that “my upcoming wedding” board on your Pinterest is seriously cheating suicide. If you are just starting to date someone new, I don’t think you would have that kind of board up and running (unless you are truly the creepiest person ever).
  • Events: “Sorry babe, I can’t make it this weekend, I have plans with my parents.” Apparently translates to “Oh I’m hanging out at a bar with a chick that is holding my hand.”

Moral of the story, if you want to be with someone else, tell your significant other that you are developing feelings and want to explore. This doesn’t mean you’re done with them for good, just means that you are respecting their feelings and feel as though that you cannot stay loyal in the relationship if you are liking someone else. You’ll save yourself the drama and exhaustion later (seriously, I don’t know anyone who would really want to cheat. It sounds like the most stressful/exhausting thing ever).

Author’s Note: This article is intended for one of my MBA classes. It is a social media experiment that I believe needs to heard and experienced. I am not a hateful person (far from it). I have had my good experiences (and bad) when it comes to dating and relationships. I have trusted others when I shouldn’t have and yes I’ve had my darkest times before 25. But my past has not affected me negatively and has helped me to be the person that I am today.